This stride by footstep tutorial shows how to draw an anime or manga male head and confront from the front and side views.

Anime male face drawing step by step
Anime male person face cartoon pace by footstep

In this tutorial we will be drawing what can exist the face of a young adult or high schoolhouse age male person anime character.

Manga and anime male characters of this age tend to have larger chins and longer faces with smaller/narrower optics when compared to their female counterparts or younger males. Though this can also vary based on style.

If you are going to be following the tutorial with pencil and newspaper exist sure to draw light lines until you lot are done with the facial feature and hair placement steps. You will need to erase parts of the cartoon afterwards.

For cartoon different types of anime characters using this confront see:

How to Draw Male person Anime Characters Step by Step

For drawing an anime boy's face run into:

8 Pace Anime Boy'southward Caput & Face Drawing Tutorial

Step 1 – Cartoon the Caput

Anime male head drawing
Anime male head drawing

Front View

Draw a vertical line for the middle of the caput to assist you lot encounter if both sides are even.

Make the top role of the head close to a circle and from there project two lines angled inwards towards the center of the face followed by a prepare of curves and two more than angled lines pointing further inwards. Join the two sets of lines at the chin. Draw the chin itself with a pocket-sized curve but don't make it too pointy or the character will look less masculine.

Side View

Depict the top of the head close to an oval in shape.

Make a modest bump around the eyebrow areas followed past an indent that transitions into the nose area. You lot can see footstep 4 of this tutorial for positioning the nose. But do your best to estimate information technology's placement at this point.

Besides at this phase you lot tin only draw a straight line from the tip of the olfactory organ to the bottom of the chin.

Add together the bottom of the jaw by projecting a line class slightly above the oval so curving it into some other line that basically transitions into the mentum.

Footstep 2 – Drawing the Ears

Anime male ears drawing
Anime male ears drawing

To position the ears draw a vertical line through the eye of the caput and another line between that and the chin. Draw the ears with their top and bottom between the two lines.

Anime male ears inner details drawing
Anime male ears inner details drawing

You can see the inner details of the ears to a higher place just you may desire to salve drawing these for subsequently you place the residual of the facial features.

For more on drawing anime ears see:

How to Draw Anime and Manga Ears

Step 3 – Drawing the Eyes

Anime male eyes drawing
Anime male eyes drawing

The bigger and wider you draw the eyes the younger your character will look. In this instance the character is a immature developed (or close) so the eyes volition exist smaller then those of a male child.

Draw the eyes with their superlative portion touching the horizontal halfway indicate through the face (utilize the line from the previous footstep) and get out enough infinite between them to fit another eye.

Delight notation that the eyes will only exist positioned this style when in their natural state if they are open wider they tin go past this line and if shut they will usually go below the line. For now yous tin just draw the their basic outline. The details will be added in a subsequently pace.

Depict the eyebrows slightly higher up the eyes. Anime and manga male person eyebrows are oft drawn thicker so female person ones especially in older characters. Simply it also depends on the fashion.

Stride iv – Drawing the Nose

Anime male nose drawing
Anime male person nose drawing

Place the details of the nose so that its bottom would be at the halfway point/line between the height of the optics and the bottom of the mentum. Please note that the actual bottom of the nose will not be draw. Prove the nose by drawing a small-scale vertical line for the bridge and giving a hint of one of the nostrils (slightly above the placement line).

If you are drawing the side view of the nose you will desire to describe the bottom of the olfactory organ and the mouth at the same fourth dimension equally they basically transition into one another.

For cartoon dissimilar styles of anime noses see:

How to Draw Anime and Manga Noses

Footstep v – Cartoon the Mouth

Anime male mouth drawing
Anime male oral cavity cartoon

Finally position the mouth past cartoon a line betwixt the bottom of the olfactory organ and the bottom of the mentum. This line will give you the position of the bottom lip. Describe the top lip just slightly above this.

You tin give a hint of the bottom lip with one short line. Depict the mouth itself with a light curve and a pocket-sized break int the middle. Also please notation that mostly developed or older teenager male anime and manga characters tend to have wider mouths and so females.

For more examples of anime mouths see:

How to Depict Anime and Manga Mouth Expressions

Footstep vi – Drawing the Pilus

Anime male hair drawing
Anime male person pilus drawing

Draw the hair over top of the head. The reason why you want to draw this style instead of just cartoon the hair right away is because being able to come across what the head looks similar will assist you position the facial features (every bit done in previous steps). It will besides aid you lot place the hair itself equally you can see exactly how it sits on the head.

For a more detailed explanation on "encounter through" cartoon and other anime drawing tips run across:

Beginner Guide to Drawing Anime & Manga

To get that "anime pilus" look depict the hair in adequately big pointy clumps.

Anime male hair drawing breakdown
Anime male hair cartoon breakdown

To help y'all amend sympathise how to draw the hair it tin exist very helpful to think of it as split into iii parts (forepart, side and back/top).

  • Ruby – Front Pilus
  • Green – Side Pilus
  • Blue – Back/Top Hair

Viewing the hair this way tin can be especially helpful when drawing when cartoon pilus that's being pulled or blown in different directions. For more on this see the tutorials beneath:

  • How to Draw Anime Male Pilus Step by Step
  • How to Draw Anime Hair Blowing in Unlike Directions

You tin describe the inner details of the ears (shown in pace ii) either before or after drawing the hair.

Step 7 – Drawing the Details & Finishing the Line Drawing

Anime male face line drawing
Anime male person face line drawing

Erase the parts of the head subconscious by the hair and add together the smaller details of the optics such as the pupils and highlights. Afterwards you tin can also get over your drawing with darker lines and add together black fill or pencil shading (depending on what y'all are drawing with) to parts of the optics and eyebrows.

For the full step past pace breakdown of drawing male anime optics see:

How to Depict Male person Anime & Manga Optics

After you finish this step you should have a clean line drawing of the face. Y'all can leave information technology at this stage or move on to the next step if you want to add together shading.

Step 8 – Add Some Shading

Anime male face drawing
Anime male face drawing

For some very basic anime manner shading (as well known equally "Cel Shading") add it in places where shadows are most probable to occur in full general lighting atmospheric condition.

For some simple shading with no gradients yous can add together the following:

  • Pocket-sized drop shadows from the hair on the forehead and sides of the face up
  • Tiny shadows around the eyelids and top part of the white of the eyes
  • Inner parts of the ears
  • Bottom of the nose
  • Large shadow on the neck from the the head

Also darken the hair and the irises of the eyes but exit the highlights in both areas white.

For drawing different types of hair highlights encounter:

Different Ways to Describe Anime Hair Highlights

For examples of drawing an anime face up in unlike lighting conditions come across:

How to Shade an Anime Face up in Different Lighting


Male anime heads and faces can vary depending on way but generally the older the character the more they tend to differ from their female counterparts. Younger characters usually accept faces very similar to females while older characters are oftentimes drawn with longer faces, smaller eyes and meliorate overall defined facial features.

For cartoon a like face in three/four view encounter:

How to Draw Male person Anime Face 3/iv View Step by Pace

For a similar tutorial on drawing a female anime confront see:

How to Draw an Anime Daughter'due south Caput and Face

For drawing the facial expressions of similar faces run across:

  • How to Draw Anime Male person Facial Expressions Side View
  • 12 Anime Male Facial Expressions Chart & Drawing Tutorial